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Feb 08 Summary

Leap year Feb 08 takes on a new record, overall it is the best month ever, most notables are IS, which has been on a steady rise for the last 5 months, and this month for the first time beat SS, becomes the highest earning site for the month, FT is also making a come back ever since hit the 1000 DL mark, 123RF completed the 2nd full month with decent result, and DT also make the best month ever, here are the details:

1. IS $239.31 BME ( best month ever )
2. SS $172.72 with 2 ELS
3. DT $127.07 BME
4. BSP$ 58.00 20% down from previous month
5. FT $ 47.73 good improvement, but still shy of it's previous high of 70.53 in 3/07
6. 123$ 40.66 solid improvement over the fist month
7. SXP$ 20.50 one of the worst month since started

Total 717.00 BME