My Favorite Stockphoto Site

My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock:


2008 Annual Summary

2008 was an up and down year, it started strong, but finished the year pretty slow, I guess the economic downturn actually have an impact on stock photo as well, but overall the year is pretty good compared with 2007, let me first summarize the December result:

Dec. was extremely slow for the big three, IS, SS and DT, however the smaller agency doesn't seem to be affected as much:

FT $104.87 Ranked #1 for the first time!
123rf $ 77.01 Ranked #2 for the first time!
DT $ 75.89 A little improved over last month
IS $ 73.27 Pretty lousy month
BSP $ 67.00 Just like any other month
SS $ 64.13 Worst month ever
SXP $ 50.40 Like any other month
Total $512.57 Worst month of the year

But for the year the total is 7907.00 which is more than 1 1/2 year of total earnings, so the result is pretty decent.


Nov 2008 Result

With the economy got into a deep recession, the stock photo business also took a big hit, Nov. 08 proved to be the worst month of the year, the top three IS, SS and DT all suffered a huge slow down, while the low performers holding their places, so in the end, DT dropped to 6th in earnings, really ugly picture.

1. SS $124.74 Shutterstock got into the top spot with one ELS
2. IS $88.50 Worst month this year
3. FT $88.41 very decent result
4. BSP $87.00 Pretty good result for the site
5. SXP $62.90 Good solid month
6. DT $60.95 Worst month this year
7. 123rf $32.97 slow month