My Favorite Stockphoto Site

My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock:


My take on 2007

I have been doing stock photo since July 2006, and this year I have the first full year of production, the total result for 2007 is $5,172.04, which is $431.00/month average.

Overall I feel I got lots of joy in doing it, while in the meantime, I spent lots of time working on it, so it is not that you can put it on and forget it, you have to consistently adding more to it in order to grow.

2008 I don't have big plan for that, but I certainly wish I can exceed $500/month on average, which is probably not that hard, I like to keep it as a fun and interesting thing, instead of laboring to a point like a part time job, then all the fun will be gone.

So submit a few per week, over time, I am sure my total online files should gradually increase, my minimum expectation for myself is to exceed 1000 files on all sites other than Istockphoto ( which I hope I will get over 600 files by year end )

Anyway the goal is have fun while in the meantime making a few bucks:)

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