My Favorite Stockphoto Site

My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock:


April Summary

April was a great month, it started really strong, but kind of slowing down in the final two weeks, still good enough to be the best month over all.

IS continue to lead the pack with BME $259.00
SS had a Extended License Sale, so finished second with $159.97
DT is pretty stable, with $109.81
BSP will not be able to duplicate the last month second place finish, but with a decent result of $96
SXP woke up this month with the BME $60
FT is doing a little better at $46.99
123RF is no where to be found, at the worst month of $22.96

So, overall April is the best month of $753.73

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