My Favorite Stockphoto Site

My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock:


Nov 2008 Result

With the economy got into a deep recession, the stock photo business also took a big hit, Nov. 08 proved to be the worst month of the year, the top three IS, SS and DT all suffered a huge slow down, while the low performers holding their places, so in the end, DT dropped to 6th in earnings, really ugly picture.

1. SS $124.74 Shutterstock got into the top spot with one ELS
2. IS $88.50 Worst month this year
3. FT $88.41 very decent result
4. BSP $87.00 Pretty good result for the site
5. SXP $62.90 Good solid month
6. DT $60.95 Worst month this year
7. 123rf $32.97 slow month

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