My Favorite Stockphoto Site

My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock:


August 09 Summary

SS has the best month overall, thanks to it's 8 ELS sales, DT is also pretty impressive, while FT and IS faded a little, overall results are better than any other month this year:

SS 281.12 Good to be the leader, maybe all time high for SS?
IS 144.96 At least beat last month's result
DT 110.33 Solid month
FT 71.31 Fairly slow month, also a big minus due to one of the purchaser has a bad credit card, so previous sales were reversed
BSP 42.50 Not much going on
123rf 28.92 Same thing here
SXP 26.70 Another last place performance
Total: 705.84

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